
Note Cube


Note Cube

Here's a fun and memorable gift for those fluent in several love languages.


Custom Reel Viewer


Custom Reel Viewer

Here's a gift that is sure to delight! Order a custom Reel Viewer and watch the magic happen. Your special someone will “reel" in the love as these momentous moments are relived over and over again.


Custom Trophy


Custom Trophy

Find a local or online trophy shop and create a customized trophy for a friend or relative. Be creative and fun, but most of all, make it personal!

Burrito Blanket

Burrito Blanket


Burrito Blanket

A Burrito Blanket makes the perfect gift for the foodie who loves to cozy up.


Customized Apparel


Customized Apparel

Does your loved one love a particular sports team? Pick up a hat or a jersey you think they would look great in, or get yourself a matching one and cheer them on together!


DIY Christmas Ornament


DIY Christmas Ornament

For the Christmas lovers in your life, receiving a homemade tree ornament could mean the world. Here's a list of 75 DIY Christmas ornaments to get you started.

Book 5ll

The 5 Love Languages®

With over 20 MILLION COPIES SOLD, "The 5 Love Languages®" has been improving relationships for nearly 30 years. Its ideas are simple and conveyed with clarity and humor, making this book as practical as it is personable. Get inspired by real-life stories and a common-sense approach that will teach you to love better.


Many Smaller Gifts


Many Smaller Gifts

Instead of giving one big gift on one day, give lots of small (even silly) gifts your special someone can open over several days. This can be a cute, fun way to show extra love to a gifts-loving person.


"You Are My Person" Products


"You Are My Person" Products

Practical and sentimental! Gift a "You Are My Person" product for a close friend or spouse.


Alabama Sweet Tea


Alabama Sweet Tea

Does your loved one relish sweetened southern iced tea? Check out the Alabama Sweet Tea Company for gifts they'll appreciate on any occasion!


Photo Session


Photo Session

Most people treasure photos and love to share them. A photo session with a local photographer makes a great gift that will be cherished for years to come.


Sock Club


Sock Club

Socks aren't only fashionable, they're also cozy and a fun way to express oneself. Consider signing up your loved one for the Sock Club—they'll get new socks every month!


Subscription-Based Gift


Subscription-Based Gift

A subscription-based gift, even if it's small, can show love for months on end. Here are some fun ones to consider.

Book 5llgift

The 5 Love Languages® Gift Edition

This meticulously crafted edition of the iconic #1 "New York Times" bestseller is the perfect gift for weddings, anniversaries, or as a special encouragement for any couple.